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Wuestenrot, an idyllic community

More than a nature wonder ...........!

If one thinks of Wüstenrot, one is immediately reminded of the Building Society. But there is a community, embedded between Lautertal and Brettachtal, inmidst the Nature Park Schwäbisch- Fränkischer Forest.....yes I'm talking about Wüstenrot. The beautiful countryside, the rich forests and the mild climate make WÜSTENROT to an ideal holiday spot. The widely spread community comprises of the villages Finsterrot, Maienfels, Neuhütten, Neulautern and Wüstenrot. The whole area encompasses an area of 3001ha, more than half of that is forest.

Hiking, swimming and fishing in Wüstenrot

Wüstenrot is a state approved recreation resort. The many hiking paths take the visitor to wonderful nature backgrounds. From the view-tower  STEINKNICKLE
one looks onto deep green forests and meadows where rare flora and fauna can be found. The many swimming and fishing lakes make Wüstenrot to a sought after holiday area.

Accommodation for everybody

The community offers hospitable accommodation for every occasion. There are boarding houses for the small purse as well as hotels for the more demanding guests and for conferences. Taverns and Cafes await the hungry guest in all the villages.