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Victory Column

image author: Gisela Pape

Noticeable in the middle of Berlin rises, as the town's landmark, the goddess of victory on the Victory Column on the Großen Stern in the Tiergarten. The Victory Column was built as remembrance of three victorious wars. In 1864 against Denmark, 1866 against Austria and 1870/71 against France. It was inaugurated on the 2nd of September 1873 in the presence of Emperor Wilhelm and his military leader with a grand military parade. A significant number of gold plated gun-barrels from the spoils of war are embedded in the shaft. The column itself rests on a high granite pedestal, which is decorated with bronze relief. These depict scenes of the above named wars. The lower part, which is surrounded by an open hall, symbolises a mosaic the fusion to the German unification in 1870/1871. The column is crowned by the goddess of victory, Victoria (called in the vernacular 'Goldelse' because of the gold), with a laurel wreath in hand, with an eagle decorated helmet and field sign with an iron cross. The figure is over eight metres high and was modelled by Friedrich Drake.

image author: Scriptusnet

The Victory Column was placed originally, since its completion in the year 1873, on the Königsplatz, the present Platz der Republik, in front of the Reichstag building. It had to give way in 1938 to the planned redesign of Berlin to the Reich's capital 'Germania' by the national socialists and was moved to the Großen Stern. Four gatehouses were also built at the Großen Stern, from which underground walkways lead to the place while the traffic is raging around the Victory Column.

image author: Gisela Pape

A spiral staircase leads to a viewing platform of the 69,27m high column (285 steps). One has a great view over the Tiergarten and the centre of Berlin.

Pictures of the Victory Column were shown around the world on the occasion of the annual Love-Parade, which takes place in July, until 2003, on the street 'Straße des 17. Juni', the Victory Column resounding of techno-beat in the middle of nearly 1 million ravers.

The Victory Column is the backdrop of the Berlin-Marathon as well as for international bicycle races.

Especially popular is the fan-mile, which runs to the Brandenburg Gate. Not only Berlin citizens celebrate here, but people from all over the world.

Transport Links:

U9 Hansaplatz
100 from Bahnhof Zoo or Alexanderplatz