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Canoe tours on the rivers Weser and Old Aller

Area Langwedel, Achim and Thedinghausen

Since 2007 guided canoe tours take place at the river basin of the middle Weser and the Old Aller in the area of the market town Langwedel, the city of Achim and the joint community Thedinghausen (all in the district Verden). You have the choice of different canoe routes or plan an individual tour with the canoe hire firm. In every case you will be brought back to the starting point.

Tour 1 (ca. 5 hours: Intschede - Baden - Daverden)

The circular tour takes around 5 hours and starts beneath the des Intschede Weser barrage, which prevents in its function as a hydro station at this point the shipping traffic on the Weser. Following the quiet Weser run downward the route passes the camping ground/restaurant 'Drosselhof' (with its own mooring area) and the ferry Gentsiet (Hagen-Grinden / Ahsen-Oetzen) to Achim–Baden. There on the height of the confluence of the sea lock canal you turn into the course of the stream 'Old Aller'. In a beautiful landscape you paddle along the fringe of the Geest ridge via Baden, Etelsen and Cluvenhagen to Daverden. At the 'Weißen Brücke' beneath the St.–Sigismund–church ends the paddling route near the village.
If you prefer to take a a short or longer rest then this route is also a great day tour.

image author: Flecken Langwedel

Tour 2 (ca. 3 Stunden: Daverden - Etelsen - Daverden)

A bit shorter with 3 hours - including a rest - is the 'canal tour Langwedel'. This tour starts in Daverden beneath the 'Weißen Brücke' at the district road to Intschede. Directly beneath the bridge construction is the entering point for the Old Aller tour. Down stream you paddle easily along the Geest slope past the open-air theatre Daverden and the Schullandheim (school hostel) in Cluvenhagen through the nature preserve 'Am Weißen Berg'. Once and awhile you have to duck your head beneath small low bridges. Water birds, water lilies and cows at the river bank will accompany you to the resting and turning area in Etelsen.
Here you have the option to go for a swim at the 'bathing place Steinfeld' surrounded by trees and bushes at the common meadow or enjoy a picnic before the roughly one hour return trip.
At this place you can - as an alternative - paddle further on to Achim-Baden, which can be reached in 45 minutes. the tour ends at the resting place and car park. This place at the confluence of three water bodies Weser, Old Aller and sea lock canal could also be the starting point for your canoe trip direction Daverden or to the Intschede barrage.

Everything is possible!

If you are interested in guided tours / hired boats (groups, charges by request),
please contact the local tourism offices

1. Camping–Kanu–Tours
M. Domeyer, Langes Feld 9, 31547 Rehburg–Loccum/OT Winzlar
Tel. (05037) 52 07 or (0172) 9 97 61 80
Fax (05037) 53 86

2. Kanuverleih Eystrup
Volker Renke, Dorfstraße 90, 27324 Eystrup-Hämelhausen
Tel. (0700) 80 60 40 00 (0,12 €/Min., mobile phone charges may differ)
Fax (04254) 80 12 92