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Berliner Bär and Bärenzwinger (Bear, Bear Kennel)

image author: Gisela Pape

Berliner Bär and Bärenzwinger (Bear and Bear Kennel)

The Berliner Bär is the symbol of Berlin. The name of Berlin is worldwide connected with the symbol of the Berlin Bear, whether in coat of arms or as a souvenir.

Berlin's oldest town signet with two standing bears goes back to the year 1280. The legend has it that in the olden days brown bears lived near the Mühlendamm-Lock in the marshy settlement area not far from today's Bärenzwinger. The oldest preserved pictures of a bear-signet stem from the year 1381.

image author: Gisela Pape

 Bärenzwinger in the Köllnischen Park at the Märkischen Museum Berlin-Mitte

Am Köllnischen Park
10178 Berlin

Transport Connection:

U2 Märkisches Museum or U8 Jannowitzbrücke
S3, S5, S7, S75, S9 Jannowitzbrücke
147, 265

image author: Gisela Pape

The Bärenzwinger at the Köllnischen Park originated in 1939, after the city of Berlin was given two living bears from its twin-town Bern and two from the Berlin zoo in 1937 on the occasion of the 700-year celebration.

Only one bear survived the 2nd World War. The kennel was reopened after the rebuilding in 1949 with the bears Nante and Jette.

Today Tilo, Schnute and Maxi live at the kennel and are being lovingly cared for and popular with Berliner and Berlin visitors.