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Water Tower Lueneburg

Enjoy the wonderful view onto Lüneburg's old town and it's surroundings from the 6. level of the water tower.

image author: Andreas Praefcke

Have the historical townscape and the water technique explained to you by school pupils.

Offer for families and private persons:
every Saturday at 11am
every Wednesday at 3pm

Offer for groups:
We strive to respond to your individual requests. You will be guided by our pupils, which work in teams. The number of pupils depends on the size of your group. The pupils receive a fee for the guided tours. As they have school lesson compulsory attendance it is necessary to liaise your request with the school.
Please book your group at least one week prior to your requested date by telephone.

We offer guided tours through the water tower also in in English!

(Source pictures: Andreas Praefcke)