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The Red Thread - a city walkabout on one's own

image author: Mit freundl. Genehmigung der Hannover Marketing und Tourismus Gesellschaft

The person interested in history can understand various eras of Hanover: You can read the trails of the middle ages, the double Monarchies of Hanover and Britain and the Kingdom, you can experience the breeze of history in the new town hall and also in the picturesque old part of the town. Monuments, architectural highlights and hidden jewels - many of these moments can be experienced along this 4.200 metre long Red Thread tour through Hanover.

This is a floor line visitors’ guide of a different kind. All you have to do is follow the Red Thread!

This „do it yourself“ city tour is accompanied by an informative brochure which describes all of the interesting buildings and monuments you meet along the way, and is also full of interesting historical background. Furthermore the brochure describes an "Extra Tour" which is a 45 minute refreshing detour to the banks of Lake Maschsee.

The brochure is available in the German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Turk, Polish, Chinese, Japanese and Russian language at a price of EURO 2.50 in the tourist information, Ernst-August-Platz 8 and at the information counter in the new town hall, Trammplatz 2.