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The Bremen Town Musicians!

The origin of the fairy tale is in the Middle Ages. The essence of the story is in all versions, that the weak ('lower animals', old animals, etc.) are successful against the strong through solidarity (in earlier times for example heraldic animals of the aristocrats). Beginning of the 19th-century, the Brothers Grimm wrote the story. Apparently, it is based on the background that the 'Stadt- und Raths-Musici' (town and council musicians) played from the church tower of the 'Unser Lieben Frauen' or were playing at festivities. they have been known in the Hanseactic city since 1339. These 'Town Musicians' took in - just as in the fairy tale - again and again travelling musicians.

The publicity of the fairy tale is also expressed through monuments, which set worldwide of the four animals, the donkey, dog, cat and rooster. Bremen has of course several depictions; the most famous one is located on the west side of the town hall and was created by the sculptor Gerhard Marcks in bronze in the year 1951.