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Stormarn's Mills

image author: Verein Braaker Mühle

Braaker Mill

The Braaker Mill originated in the year 1849.
It is still active today and can be visited every first Saturday in a month.

image author: Rüdiger Poweleit

Grander Mill

North Germany's oldest grain watermill is from the year 1248. In 1982 after its restoration it houses a restaurant with hotel today.
It is situated directly at the border of Storman/duchy Lauenburg.

image author: Anke Krebs

Mill Trittau

Today's culture centre of the village Trittau.
Here concerts, readings and exhibitions are taking place.

image author: Rüdiger Poweleit

Hannemann´s Mill

The mill in Reinbek's district Schönningstedt is today used as a restaurant.