St. Laurentius church in Achim

image author: Stadt Achim

Pfarrstraße, 28832 Achim

The St. Laurentius church was probably built on a former pagan place of worship. The church, first mentioned in 1257 is the town's oldest building. The church was used during war times and fires as a sanctuary. Originally built as Romanesque fieldstone building (on tower and south wall split boulders can be found), new windows were added in late-Gothic style (14th-century). An extension towards east and the annexe of two chapels in the north and south are also from the Gothic epoch. The existing flat ceiling was replaced by a bulge ribbed vault. Inside the Mandelsloh and in der Clüver chapel are old funereal monuments as well as marble sarcophaguses from an old Achim noble family. The church's tower clock first mentioned already in 1574, is being electronically powered today but in the clock chamber is the still working Furtwängler-clockwork from the year 1864. At the pulpit built in 1631 are the four Evangelists depicted. The late-Baroque altar from the year 1750 shows splendid gold and ivory coloured side vaults. The church's oldest piece is the late-Romanesque baptismal font. Its modern bronze lid depicts the history of creation. At the church exit in an alcove is a figure situated dressed in red-golden clothes. It is the patron saint of the Achimer church, the holy Laurentius, who did for his belief in the year 258. According to written records he was burnt alive on a gridiron.