Right next to the cathedral is another church located. Originally the St. Andreas church was probably the bishop's private chapel. The first building was constructed with natural stones roughly 1000 years ago. 200 years later the present late-Romanesque church was built with bricks. At this church which was also parish church the bishop Iso von Wölpe founded a Chorherrenstift in 1220. 12 clergymen were appointed there: their task was to get together several times a day for liturgy of hours, which consisted mainly of psalmodies. Such founding took also place in other bishops towns, in large numbers for example in Hildesheim. The collegiate churches were to heighten the glory and prestige of the actual cathedral, so formulated also by the Verdener monastery certificate from 1220. At the same time the domination options of the bishop was enhanced because he won new places for clergymen who supported him in taking care of his bishopric and the new foundation provided lots of estates, which reached far into the Alte Land. Nothing has been preserved from the church's medieval interior. Only the depiction of the Pantocrator in the apse (restored in 1900) and bishop Iso's memorial plate from 1231 still exist. It is a brass plate in which a picture of the bishop with church and a castle like facility in his hands was carved. In this technique it is one of Europe's oldest plate. The transcription states that Iso founded the St. Andreasstift and fortified the (Norder-)-Stadt Verden. The two depictions in his hands refer to that. The rest of the church's interior stems from the 17th - 20th-century. After the Peace of Westphalia the Swedes suspended the Andreasstift. The building stayed as community church for a large parish, which stretches on both sides of the river Aller far into the east.
Opening times:
from May to end of October: Tue - Sun 10am - 12noon and from 3pm - 5pm of by arrangement
Church services:
Sundays 10am, normally on the 1st Sunday in a month 6pm
Andreasstraße, Pfarramt Grüne Straße 19