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SEA LIFE Aquarium in Hanover

image author: Sea Life

In the middle of the city - more precisely opposite the manor gardens - is the new Sealife Aquarium in the former rain forest house situated.

This aquarium was opened in spring 2007.

The underwater trip starts for the visitor at the Leine river with indigenous fish like
pike, perch and many more.

image author: Sea Life

Then you wade through mangroves, lagoons and will get deeper and deeper into the water. You will meet here turtles, sharks, rays and lots of other fascinating sea dwellers.

Strolling through the 8 metres long glass tunnel, you will see the animals from a totally different perspective. Once you surface from the depth, you will be in the Amazon, right in the middle of the Brasilian rain forest.

image author: Sea Life

But no fear. The piranhas do not bite.

Two sea turtles live in the SEA LIFE Hanover in the ocean basin. These two are still young animals, around two and three years old. But, they are one of the animals, who can get very old. The oldest known turtle and thus probably the oldest animal at all, was the turtle owned by King Farouk of Egypt (last Egyptian king, 1920-1965), who died at the age of 270, in 2006. They are omnivores, but, the Hanover turtles prefer especially diverse vegetables. Public show feeding takes place daily at 12noon and 4pm.