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Nature-Park Schoeneberg South Terrain

image author: Grün Berlin GmbH

At the beginning of 1997 the Nature-Park Schöneberg South Terrain was created amidst a railway area that had been intensively used for years, with the financial support of Allianz Umweltstiftung.

In 1952 the German Reichsbahn stopped the railway traffic. The terrain, then lay idle for decades and a unique habitat for plant and animals developed between rusty signals and inactive points.

image author: Grün Berlin GmbH

One doesn't only learn about the species-rich nature, but also about technical facilities like rail tracks, the listed water tower from the year 1927 and the railway building.
The gentle, artistically demanding development is considered as one of the park's special features. The altogether 4.2 kilometres long footpaths run where ever possible inside the old railway tracks.

image author: Grün Berlin GmbH

In addition, the artist group 'ODIOUS' built a 600 metre long , 60 centimetres high steel footbridge, which guides visitors through the most beautiful sections of the area.

Transport Links:
S2, S25 Station Priesterweg
170, X76, M76 Am Prellerweg

Opening Times:

Daily from 9am
in Summer - till 8pm,
in Winter - till 5pm

Admission Fee:1 Euro per person (from 15 years onwards)
Or free entry with the Annual Ticket (valid for the Britzer Garden, the Garden of the World at the recreation park Marzahn and the Nature-Park Schöneberger Südgelände)

. Further information is available on the Homepage www.suedgelaende.de