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Marxener paradise in Amelinghausen

image author: Hajo Rebers / pixelio.de

The Marxener paradise is easily reached on foot from the Kronsberg heath in Amelinghausen and invites everybody hiker of not to pause. Because the small cutting is real paradise. From the Kronsberg heath's car park the Marxener paradise can be reached in a 45 minutes walk.

The picnic place is ideal for a hiker to take a breather and look at the Kerb valley. The unusual form of the valley will be seen by the attentive observer during the pause. It is assumed that the unusual valley was formed by a river at the end of the Ice Age and so gained its long-stretched untypical form. This dent form and the only slightly exposed location give this valley an outstanding peace, which should be experienced.

Around the small paradise runs a little circular path, which offers constantly new insights into the beautiful heather landscape with its small ponds in the middle.

Photo archive: http://www.pixelio.de/