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Local Museum 'Pforthaus'

Well worth a visit is the Pforthaus, the local museum of Amt Neuhaus. The building was built around in 1600 and belonged then to the moated castle 'dat nye hus'. It stood at the castle's first drawbridge and housed the guards. After the collapse of the Lauenburg princes' dynasty in 1689, the Pforthaus was used as a prison for a short time until it was converted into a residence.

Today around 700 exhibits are being presented in the local museum, which can be marvel at. Among them archaeological finds, urns, stone axes and witnesses from the craftmen lives.
But the exhibition also refers to youngest history. It shows for example the development in Amt Neuhaus from 1945-1989.

Opening times:

Every first Sunday in a month in the time from 3pm to 5pm,
as well as by prior booking via the telephone number: 038845/20747.