The pretty town of with its districts is located about 340 m to 500 m high in the Odenwald, being the only recognised spa town. Lindenfels enchants its guests through the surrounding picturesque countryside and its romantic. The attractive town rests within the Geo-nature park "Bergstrasse-Odenwald", member of the UNESCO - network for the Geo parks, as well as in the "Land of the Nibelungen", a countryside between the river Rhein, Main and Neckar with most beautiful heights and many wonderful viewing points, with pretty villages and many forests, quiet green valleys and fresh and healthy air.
Lindenfels is at any time of the year a highly frequented vacation destination. The forest which almost directly reaches the houses of the town with its marked paths, refuges huts and countless resting benches, the strategic location at the "Nibelungenstrasse" and the hospitality of the inhabitants made the castle town many loyal friends.
Lindenfels has a long tradition as a recreational town!
Already before the start of the 20th century the very special location was recognised, the good climate and therefore the great importance for the guests who want to spend truly healthy holidays close to nature. Lindenfels is to the North and the East surrounded by protecting mixed forests. They provide the city a mountain range climate on a medium basis, tending to a moderate and relaxing climate. The open area location to the West and South offers wonderful views across the neighbouring valleys. The city itself is towered by the "Castle Lindenfels". With about 500 beds in hotels, inns, bed & breakfasts, leisure homes, holiday homes and apartments as well as the camping ground and a mobile homes parking space the city offers something for everybody. Furthermore a wide spectrum of gastronomical offers in Lindenfels and the city parts leaves nothing to be desired. From regional and local to international cuisine, the guest can spoil himself with culinary delight. In Lindenfels not only enthusiasts for hiking, mountain biking, as well as Nordic walking and health climate walking can get their "value for money" but also the guests who just quietly want to enjoy the countryside and want to regenerate. Nature lovers know that one can only discover the true beauty of a countryside through walks and hiking. Lindenfels is surrounded by wonderful forests. The mighty Schenkenmountain provides the city not only with protection from the rough northeasterly winds but also contains a variety of beautiful hiking paths which lead around the mountain as round circuits in different heights. Additional forest areas with circuit trails and with many resting benches are the Buch and Kapp forest , the Steck and Schloss forest with the castle Lindenfels. And round the town leads also the 12 km long "adventure hiking trail", the first local hiking trail in the region certified by the Odenwaldclub.
Health climate hiking and health climate walking
A speciality, which is offered in Lindenfels is the health climate hiking and health climate walking in the health climate sport park in Lindenfels. Already the ancient Greeks, who were renowned as the people of the nature philosophers, discovered that the weather and the climate can significantly influence the humane being. Health climate spa towns - like Lindenfels- fulfil highest demands regarding the air quality, which are regularly subject to medical as well as meteorological controls, so that the therapeutic impact of the climate can be approved. In Lindenfelsd the health climate hikers respectively health climate walkers will find 3 routes with different requirement profiles which will fulfil the individual demands for the relevant routes.
A wide sporty and cultural offer awaits the guests!
Paragliding, horse back riding, tennis and sport shooting can appear on your list of activities as well as a refreshing bath in the heated outdoor swimming pool. Lindenfels - located above the beautiful Schlierbach valley- offers their guests all possibilities for a varied holiday program. It does not matter, whether you are aiming for a more active or a more reflective holiday planning, one thing is for sure: in Lindenfels you will feel home and at ease from the very beginning. Here you can escape from the daily stress , you can enjoy something good and recharge your body and soul. Historical buildings, half-timbered houses and old city gates create the atmosphere for a stroll through the small but magical old part of the city up to the castle, which once gave the city its name and was mentioned documentary the first time around 1080.
Lindenfels offers ideal medical possibilities for convalescent patients.
Convalescent patients will come across first-class spa, rehabilitation or special clinics for ambulant or stationary care. Massages, mud-packs, wellness and much more is here on offer. The spa garden with the 'Haus des Gastes' below the castle is an ideal place to relax. Known beyond Hesse's borders is the ELEONOREN-CLINIC, a clinic for gastroenterology, oncology (cancer medicine) and metabolic disorder, diabetic centre as well as the Deutsche Diabetesgesellschaft (DDG) training institute for type 1 and 2.
Around the diverse spa options of the Eleonoren-Clinic the therapeutic centre also offers physio-therapeutic treatment that caters to all disease pattern. Wellness treatment - also as complete package are on offer. Moreover in the village is a spa and holiday-dialysis clinic for chronic kidney patients situated so that these patients can also have a holiday in Lindenfels.
The practice at the therapeutic centre in Lindenfels orientates itself mostly at the holiday and spa guests needs with an extensive range of services and offers special treatment packages catering to the duration of stay.
Lindenfels distinguishes itself through a rich cultural choice!
The spa resort offers it's guest lots of diversions and stimulation. Known far beyond the castle town's border are the markets and festivities. In March attracts the Easter egg market, in May there is the invitation for the medieval spectaculum at the castle Lindenfels. On the first weekend in August Lindenfels celebrates Odenwald's oldest traditional costume festival at the castle with a glorious firework, a period style festive procession in Odenwald tradional costume and lots of music. At the end of the season, the first weekend in October the ancient custom days with a large autumn market takes place.
A visit to the Lindenfels Museum is highly recommended!
an absolute 'must' for small and big guests is a visit to the Lindenfels Museum (open every Sunday and public holidays from April to October from 2.30pm to 5pm. Guided group tours all year round by prior booking). Built from 1781 to 1784 the tithe barn displays historical valuable museum stock about the functional groups town history, folklore, farming life, clothing – Odenwald traditional costume, agriculture, crafts and print shop. Interesting exhibits from these functional groups await the visitor to look and marvel in a unique atmosphere. The small private cider museum at the popular processed cheese inn the 'Zum Römischen Kaiser' in the Schlierbach valley is also well worth a visit. In autumn 2009 Lindenfels opened a 'Dragon Museum'. For the children it is again and again interesting to walk through the well known rock sea at the Lauter valley near Reichenbach with the enormous giant pillar and many masonry works from Roman times or a visit to the mountain animal park Fürth-Erlenbach.
Lindenfels has a charming landscape!
The surroundings of Lindenfels offers it's guest of all ages various suggestions. Because there is a lot to see and discover in the region. Lindenfels is due to it's central location the ideal basis for day trips into the region of the Geopark 'Naturpark Bergstraße-Odenwald'. The countryside beauty can be explored by car, public transport, on foot as well as bicycle. The medieval Odenwald towns Michelstadt and Erbach, Bad König with the hot spring, the old university city Heidelberg with Neckar valley, Darmstadt and the wine villages situated at mountainous roads such as Bensheim, Heppenheim and Zwingenberg are nearby and can be reach in roughly one hour by car. Exciting is also a trip along the Nibelungen and Siegfried road through romantic villages and towns with lovely ancient monuments. These two tourist roads cross four federal states including the region Odenwald between Worms at the Rhine and Würzburg at the Main. Here you are able to move along on the tracks of German history and marvel at objects of cultural value more or less 'at the roadside'. The little towns along the Siegfried and Nibelungen roads stand out due to their medieval building substance in parts still from the Middle Ages and have though have a very special charm.
The spa resort for climatic health Lindenfels is worth a trip at any time of the year and is looking forward to your visit shortly. Extensive data for a relaxing holiday is available at the:
Kur- und Touristikservice
Burgstraße 37
64678 Lindenfels
Telephone: 06255 - 30644
Telefax: 06255 - 30645