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Kurpark Bad Meinberg

image author: V.Feil

The Kurpark was created around a gas source in 1767, which was assumed to be a water source then. Later, it transpired that dry carbonic acid (CO2) escaped from the source and only blended with water.

image author: V.Feil

A big part of the old tree population and the Schnecken Hill of the landscaped from the 19th-century, still exists today.

image author: V.Feil

The avenues were planted with lime trees and horse chestnuts, the diagonal paths and the outer edgings of the whole place with hornbeam hedges.

image author: V.Feil

Due to the fact, that the health resort Meinberg became Bad Meinburg in 1903, the park could be extended further with the increased number of visitors to the health resort.

image author: V.Feil

The park has been preserved in parts, a historic-style herb garden was added in 1994.