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Kontorhaus at the Markt Passage

If one looks back into history, the Kontor (office) houses are the actual buildings in which the persons pulling the levers indulge in their daily work. Conceived and constructed as pure office buildings, they celebrated their heydays around 100 years ago. But times change: In the heart of the Bremen old town an impressive historical building has come to life again. The Kontorhaus am Markt is situated adjacent to the marketplace and the World Heritage town hall and the Roland, a meeting place for pretty things and moments.

The Kontorhaus, last used by Telekom, was constructed between 1910 and 1912. In the summer of 1999, the Bremer Investitions-Gesellschaft mbH (BIG) purchased the listed building. The upper floors have been used as modern office and service provider areas since the end of 2001 and are also the headquarter of the WFB Wirtschaftsförderung Bremen GmbH. They are responsible for state development and promotion of the economy. The WFB and the Justus Grosse GmbH, who own the building next door, developed together the space on the ground floor and basement to a modern passage.

image author: WFB Wirtschaftsförderung Bremen

Here, selected retail stores as well as attractive gastronomy have been opening their doors since autumn 2002. The passage's architectural highlight is the light flooded courtyard. Under the glass dome first class restaurants ensure a special ambiance. In combination with exciting architecture, exclusive location and demanding, upscale product range, a new central meeting place has developed.

Delicacies, exceptional jewellery, individual furniture and selected clothes make a visit exciting as well as a cosmetic wellness programme or the numerous events.

image author: WFB Wirtschaftsförderung Bremen


WFB Wirtschaftsförderung Bremen GmbH
Kontorhaus am Markt
Langenstraße 2-4 (Eingang Stintbrücke 1)
28195 Bremen

Tel.: +49 421 9600-10
Fax: +49 421 9600-810