Several still seaworthy historical inland water ships lay in Germany's biggest museum harbour and are witnesses of 200 years Märkisch inland water navigation.
The Historical Harbour is located in the city centre, adjacent to the Nikolai Quarter, Märkischem Museum and Mühlendamm-Lock at the Märkischen bank of the Spree.
Altogether, over 20 historical ships between them seaworthy steamer, typical Berlin passenger ships from the turn of the century and historical tugboats - partly with original sails - lie here off. Address:
Märkisches Ufer / Inselbrücke
10178 Berlin
Operator: Berlin-Brandenburgische Schifffahrtsgesellschaft e.V. Open: Beginning of May to end of October
Tuesday - Friday 2pm-6pm
Saturday / Sunday and public holidays 11am-6pm Transport Links:
S5, S7, S75, S9 Jannowitzbrücke
U2 - Märkisches Museum, U8 - Jannowitzbrücke
265, 147
+49(30) - 2 13 80 41
Fax: +49(30) - 2 13 80 42
Permanent Exhibition 'About the History of the inland water navigation on Spree and Havel'
Cultural history of inland water navigation is being presented in the cargo space of the Maßkahn (punt) RENATE-ANGELIKA. The city and surrounding area were positively influenced by the development of shipping and the well constructed waterway network. Many raw materials were transported into the city by ship and lots of bulk freight out. Transport by water and the inland water navigation still plays a big economical role in Berlin.
The little summer restaurant DECKSHAUS on the big tail-wheel-tug JESENIKY, is ideal for a rest during the summer.
Further Highlights at the Historical Harbour:
Traditional shipping festival in January - organised by the Berlin-Brandenburgische Schifffahrtsgesellschaft e.V., together with invited regional shipping clubs. It starts with a traditional procession from the historic harbour through the Nikolai Quarter to the Red Town Hall, to the Wasser- and Schifffahrtsamt Berlin and back. In the evening the shipper's ball takes place.
Beginning of May - International Sailboat Regatta on Lake Müggel
End of August - traditional, harbour festival with sailing trips, nautical antique market, smocked fish and attractive supporting programme and fireworks to the Long Night of the Museums at the historical harbour Berlin.