Form 1822 to 1826 the parents of the poet Heinrich Heine lived at the upper floor. Heine's father Samson (Sigmund) Heine (1764–1828) suffered from then epilepsy.
The son Heinrich, who wanted to support his mother Betty Heine (1771–1859) in the care came here for the first time on the 21. May 1823. Even though he described Lüneburg as 'residence of boredom' and missed the 'macaroni and mind food, which he had enjoyed in the salon of Rahel Varnhagen in Berlin, he came back to Lüneburg during his studies sometimes for for several months. In 1901 a memorial plaque was mounted at he house, which is known as the 'Heinrich-Heine-House'.
The ground floor of the Heinrich-Heine-House houses the registry office; the early-Baroque dancing hall is used as wedding chamber.
The upper floor houses the Literaturbüro Lüneburg e. V., the Literarische Gesellschaft Lüneburg e. V. and the branch of the Lüneburg BBK.
The Heinrich-Heine-House perceives itself as culture forum and meeting point for people who are interested in literature and art. The event rooms are also open for exhibitions.
The literary office Lüneburg organises an event programme with German and international authors.