In 1984 the dilapidated statue fell from the base, was damaged badly and then vanished.
After the collapse in 1984, the then chairwoman of the Verkehrsverein Amt Neuhaus e.V., Dagmar Burmester, was able to find the vanished Germania with lots of personal engagement as well as community support in 1994. She also secured numerous donations for the renovation.
To actually find a restorer for the Germania was not as easy as thought as the statue consisted of numerous segments and the material was a tin-zinc alloy, which could not be welded and brazed. Restorer W. Oester, Ukersdorf, was the only one who recognised the beauty of the statue and accepted the challenge in the year 1998. In 14-month painstaking work the rubble woman was put together again like a puzzle. Missing pieces could be rebuilt as one found a copper layer during the sanding of individual pieces.
In July 1999 the statue was set up again on the marketplace in Neuhaus, where her perfect beauty makes an impact amidst the tree population.
On the 11.07.1999 on the occasion of the inauguration the mayor of the community Amt Neuhaus recognised the monument as symbol of German unity and community landmark.