The history of salt...
The German Salt Museum shows the history of Lüneburg's salt, from it's beginnings to the end of the saline.
Learn about the material salt by looking at it, feeling it, smell it and even tasting it.
Discover salt in everyday life! Salt means life but when does it become harmful? How does one get salt? Answers to these and more questions give display boards, texts and charts.
Salt is important not only in everyday life but salt also plays an important role in tradition and religion.
Opening times:
In the months of October to April:
Monday to Sunday 10am - 5pm
In the months of May - September:
Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday and Sunday
10am - 5pm
Deutsches Salzmuseum
Industriedenkmal Saline Lüneburg
Sülfmeisterstraße 1
21335 Lüneburg
Telephone: (0 41 31) 45 06 5
Facsimile : (0 41 31) 45 06 9