One of the goals is, to explain the NS-crimes in the psychiatry to visitors and groups, to meet psychiatry appropriately and without prejudice and to promote understanding towards people that are socially discriminated against and are isolated. Visitors should also understand, which excesses a totalitarian regime generated in the psychiatry, whereby the perspective for action by historical protagonists should became visible as well as also thinking and acting possibilities by the visitors. This is understood as contribution to support a Christian-human idea of a man in political education in a democratic community.
A central focus is the 'children's special branch' Lüneburg, where over 300 children from North Germany were murdered from 1941 to the end of the war. This circumstance gives this education and memorial site a supra-regional importance. As supporting associations act the Psychosoziale Verein Lüneburg e.V. and the Geschichtswerkstatt Lüneburg e.V.