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Crazy Hotel in Nächst Neuendorf near Zossen

image author: Landhaus zur alten Gärtnerei

Whether as restaurant guest, visitor to the exclusive cinema evenings, seminar participant or hotel guest: There is no sterile monotony.Hartmut Grysczok and his wife Frau Susanne Hucke operate since October 2005 the restaurant and hotel "Landhaus zur alten Gärtnerei".

At this hotel every room looks different: Twelve of the 20 rooms were designed by artists from all over the world among them artists from Switzerland, Peru, Italy, France, Austria, Iran and Germany.

image author: Landhaus zur alten Gärtnerei

Guests are welcome among others in a Sports, Comic, Romeo, Angel, Tree or Camping room.

image author: Landhaus zur alten Gärtnerei

Probably the most original room is at the first floor: the Camping Room. Here the guest doesn't simply sleep in a bed, here he rests very rustic: in a Qek-caravan from DDR times. The Qek had to be taken apart into five pieces to fit through the hotel room door. There is no fitted carpet just plain concrete. The wastepaper basket was made from old tyres. The two chairs are bottle crates on which seats have been fitted. One wall has been decorated with a camping ground landscape. Only building lamps at the bathroom are still missing.