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image author: Stadt Achim

Große Kirchenstraße 1, 28832 Achim

In the course of the preparation for the upcoming urban redevelopment the city of Achim bought house Clüver, which was falling more and more into disrepair. In 1976 it was restored as heritage building by the federal government with grants of 600.000 DM.

With this building a little piece of the former farming village Achim has been preserved. The former farm is one of 14 farming estates. Most of them were operated until the 20th-century. These farming estates are probably the village's oldest settlement sites and were originally situated near the church. Today's Houss Clüver, a typical Lower Saxony two-post half-timbered farmhouse was built in the year 1824 as stated on the beam over the 'Grootdöör' (door).

The previous house was destroyed by fire in the year 1823. The three-year old Margarethe, daughter of the builder Franz Clüver also died in this fire. The farmstead was for several centuries owned by the family Clüver.

The inscription above the hall door reads:
„Bewahre Herr das Vaterland vor Krieg und Landes-Plagen, schütze dieses Haus vor Sturm und Brand und segne was wir haben.
Gib’ Dein Gedeihen zur Kinderzucht und laß sie wohlgeraten, besegne auch des Viehesfrucht, die Wiesen und die Saaten.“(Lord save the fatherland from war and menaces, keep this house save from storm and fire and bless what we've got. Let the children thrive and make them good behaved, bless also our livestock, the meadows and seeds.)

Franz Clüver and his wife Metha Clüver nee Wigmanns anno 26. June 1824

With the neighbouring farmstead Meislahn (also Große Kirchenstraße) forms the Clüverhaus a lovely ensemble. After the renovation of the half-timbered barn the partitions with wattling have been put in again. Part of the ensemble is apart from the church also the farm Bischoff, now Scherf successor. Here is Achim's farming quarter – the 'old village Achim'.