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Ammersbek - the young attractive community in the countryside

image author: Ammersbeker Kulturkreis

Ammersbek is situated directly at Hamburg's northeast border and at the outer west border of the district Stormarn. From the neighbouring towns Ahrensburg and Bargteheide the community can be reached in a short time. Over the village Hoisbüttel is Ammersbek connected to the Hamburger underground network. In the past part of today's community belonged to Hamburg. Because of that the village still counts as one of 'Hamburg's forest villages'.
The visitor has a great view over the whole community from the 63m high Schüberg. The whole community area is designated as landscape conservation area. Ammersbek has over ca. 30km wonderful cycle and walking paths. Riders have different riding paths at their disposal. The Lottbeker reservoir serves as nearby recreation as well as the Timmerhorner Ponds. The horse stable is centre of the cultural life. The Ammersbeker culture circle is here very active and offers culture for every taste. The citizen's society and a multitude of sport clubs round the leisure time offer off.

image author: Rüdiger Poweleit

Our history, present and future
The community Ammersbek has been founded in 1978 through the merging of the former independent communities Bünningstedt and Hoisbüttel. Both villages emerged probably between the 5. and 8.century, which can recognised through the endings 'stedt' and '-büttel'.

The development of Hoisbüttel
Hoyerbutle was first recorded in 1262. After half of Hoisbüttel had been pledged to Hamburg in 1437, tensions and disputes erupted. The reasons were the different living conditions. The subjects of the Hamburger forest ruler lived better than the Holsteiner. In 1803 the Hamburger part became Holstein again but the separation of Hoisbüttel still remained because it was allocated not to the estate Hoisbüttel, but the department of Tremsbüttel. In 1926 department and estate merged after nearly 500 years of separation to an independent community Hoisbüttel. The building of the big housing estate Lottbek started in 1963 (the old Lottbek probably fell victim to the plague in the Middle Ages), this lead to an enormous increase of population. A multitude of small businesses settled here. A school was also build and canalisation as well as the road and traffic net was extended.

The development of Bünningstedt
Bünningstedt was first recorded in 1314. The housing estates Daheim and Heimgarten were developed in 1932.

Today Ammersbek is a community of ca. 9.500 inhabitants. A multitude of businesses developed just as rural - but town near living space and cultural facilities. Ideal traffic connections offer itself to Hamburg, Ahrensburg and Bargteheide and also open up the Baltic Sea area.

image author: Rüdiger Poweleit

Bünningstedt's development
Bünningstedt was mentioned for the first time in 1314. In 1932 the residential areas Daheim and Heimgarten were built.

Today Ammersbek is a community with ca. 9.500 citizens. A number of companies arose as well as rural - but still sub-urban housing space and cultural facilities. Convenient traffic connection to Hamburg, Ahrensburg and Bargteheide are available as well as to the Baltic Sea area.