The Grugapark is one of Germany's largest. It is situated in Essen in the town's centre between the districts Rüttenscheid, Holsterhausen and Margarethenhöhe.
Park's origin
"GRUGA" stands for "Große Ruhrländische Gartenbauausstellung". this exhibition is also the historical origin of the park. The terrain between the districts Rüttenscheid and Holsterhausen was bought by the city in 1929 to install there a large garden show. The Grugapark was also created because of the then garden show.
The exact outlines of the Grugapark have changed due to fair extensions. It encompasses just under 70 hectare. The park has opened in direction Holsterhausen and Rüttenscheid with new entrance areas.
The park has a well worth seeing sculpture collection. There is a small animal garden, several playgrounds, pony riding and a fallow deer enclosure for children. There is also a birds free flight hall and plant show houses. Inside the park model builder also find areas for their hobbies: for example in a lorry facility at the west corner, where model trucks on a scale 1:16 can be driven. There are different events happening in summer; among others open-air concerts, park festivals with firework displays and children's parties.
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In the fifties, car and motorbike races took place – the Gruga-Prize of the city Essen.
Part of the Gruga complex is also the Gruga hall, the Gruga swimming pool and the Gruga stadium, which has been pulled down by now.
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