The village's oldest mill houses the Volkskunde- und Mühlenmuseum (Ethnology and Mill Museum). The mill was used as saw mill and flour mill with bakery. The museum shows the history of the mill work.
Here at the upper mill room "Mill-Fairytales" are told to children.
The loft of the mill was expanded in 2001. Here you see now old crafts from Waltersdorf and surrounding area.
For instance an old crop planer, a loom and a straw cutting machine. But also a beautiful pram and a children's chair from the early days.
The village history is the progress from farmering to weaving village and from industry to recreational village.
The living and working way of the linen weaver around 1800 is being depicted at the "weaving room".
The life of the composer Friedrich Schneider (1786 to 1853), who was born in Waltersdorf, is also being portrayed.
Mühlenmuseum Waltersdorf
Dorfstraße 89
02799 Waltersdorf
Tel.: 035841 72872
Opening Times
Tuesday to Saturday
10am to 12noon
1.30pm to 4.30pm
Sunday (from 28.02. and 01.05. from 30.10.)
1.30pm to 4.30pm