The Tourist Information Kiel e.V.

Tourist Information Kiel (situated directly next to the Deutsche Post)
Andreas-Gayk-Straße 31
24103 Kiel
Tel.: 0431 679100 (Hotline daily from 8am - 10pm)
Fax: 0431 679 10 99

image author: Jens Thöl

Opening times:

Monday - Friday 9.30am - 6pm
Saturday 10am - 2pm

The Tourist Information Kiel (TIK) has looked after the city's guest for more than
100 years with an All-round Service for the individual tourist or tourist parties.

image author: Jens Thöl

From the in 1897 founded "Verein zur Erhebung des Fremdenverkehrs" developed the TIK as tourist marketing institution of the regional state capital in form of a registered club whose members come predominately from the hotel, gastronomy and private guesthouse business.

image author: Kiel Marketing

The friendly TIK-team has extensive information material for you available and will take care, that visitors and local people are able to experience and enjoy the 'city of fresh air'.