Old Slavic burial ground has been discovered in Mittenwalde

Under the management of the archaeologist Felix Biermann and the anthropologist Bettina Jungklaus, students made a find after only a few centimetres of digging.

image author: Stadtmagazinverlag AS GmbH

26 well preserved skeletons in a Slavic burial ground 'according to the finds and burial gifts, around from the 12th-century', estimated the historian. Small skeletons are testimony of the high infant mortality, 'which was then thirty to forty percent', researched his colleague.

The dead pose puzzles over puzzles and not all can be solved for sure. Why was the head removed from the body of an around 20 year old man? 'Maybe he was beheaded', assumes Bettina Jungklaus.

Accurate details can only be given when the skeletons have been examined in the Free University, about age at death, sex and illnesses 'At a first glance, many of the skeletons show deformed joints and spines, which is an indication of hard work.'

image author: Stadtmagazinverlag AS GmbH

According to the statements by the scientists, these finds are the most important ones in South Brandenburg and they will keep on digging to save what can be saved in the next few years.

One hopes, that some of the artefacts won't vanish in the depots of the State Museum for Pre and Early History in Wünsdorf, but, will also find a place in the Mittenwald Museum at the Salzmarkt.