Joined community Fredenbeck - We about us

image author: Samtgemeinde Fredenbeck

Your address for
holidays, day trips, club tours, conferences and family /company celebrations.

The charming Schwinge valley, several becks with extensive wetlands and meadows as well as forests, bogs and arable land are characteristic for our diverse and balanced countryside.

Make use of the favourable geographical location for day trips by car to Stade, Hamburg, Cuxhaven or the artist village Worpswede.

image author: Samtgemeinde Fredenbeck


Schwingestr. 1
21717 Fredenbeck
Tel. (0 41 49) 91 - 0
Fax (0 41 49) 91 - 20

image author: Samtgemeinde Fredenbeck

Facts, data

Villages: Aspe, Deinste, Essel, Fredenbeck, Helmste, Kutenholz, Mulsum, Schwinge, Wedel

Population: 13.500

Size: 144 square kilometres

Nature and countryside resorts:
Feerner bog, Rüstjer wood, Schwinge and secondary valleys