Freedom Rider Fountain in Lengerich

image author: Stadt Lengerich

Opposite the town hall's grand staircase stands the fountain 'Friedensreiter' (freedom rider) made by Volker Johannes Trieb. It was inaugurated in the year 2003. With his work, the artist picks up in a terse manner the time of the Thirty Years War in the region. The freedom rider announces the peace agreement message after the Thirty Years War (1648). Today it embodies the idea of peace. Trieb alienates in this project the type of a monumental rider statue. He indicates at the same time that the rider seems to degenerate to a content-poor transfer picture of marketing during the hype of the peace anniversary in 1998. In this connection one aspect of local history deserves attention. Already prior to the peace agreement in Osnabrück and Münster the representatives of the quarrelling parties met for the so-called 'Lengericher Conclusum' in 1645. As a result of their talks it was agreed that for the first time the estates of the empire and free imperial towns would have a say in domestic matters and with regards to foreign affairs. These resolutions had supra-regional importance in the beginning of the German scattered regionalism.

image author: Stadt Lengerich

More information at
Tourist Information Lengerich
Rathausplatz 1
Telephone: 05481-82422