City Library Muenster

With annual two million borrows and over one million visitors, the city library Münster is the most successful city libraries in North-Rhine Westphalia. In 1993, moved from the cramped Krameramtshaus into the new building - the modern architecture attracts still visitors from all over the world. Here is space for over 200.000 books, and over 20.000 media.

  • Close by: Novels by different interests, new guidebooks, brochures and games
  • Media library: movies, CDs, audio books, software, scores
  • Children's library: books and media for children and teenagers
  • Information zone: Internet access, data banks and reference books
  • Store room: older and hardly used books (not open to the public)
  • Newspaper reading hall: daily papers and weekly newspapers
  • Foyer: Exhibitions
  • Café Colibri: to rest after a library visit