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Trade and traffic have been happening here always, carousels turned, politics were made in inns and pubs around the square!

Chronology of Großflecken's events:

1764 the hamlet is bestowed with the "Kayserliche Marktprivileg" (royal market privilege).

1769 bailiff Baron von Mardefeldt has a large waterhole closed and limes planted.

1780 46 thatched houses and 39 outbuildings were burned down on the 11th August.

1813 corsairs bivouacked underneath the limes.

1846 a large public meeting takes place on the 20th July on the market place and an "open letter" against the Danish King Christian VIII is being read out.

1848 citizens of Groß- and Kleinflecken went on a rampage. The revolution reached Neumünster on the 24th March.

1888 the Ahlbecksche factory at Großflecken 54 burns down. 12 people died and 9 were badly injured.

1923 Großflecken experiences riots during the time of inflation.

1925 the 800-year-jubilee of the town Neumünster attracts 25000 visitors.

1929 on the 1st of August a demonstration by farmers from all over the country proceeds from the Tonhalle to the Viehhalle in the Rendsburger Straße. Hans Fallada, later legal correspondend at the peasantry court case, finds his material for the Neumünster novel "Bauern, Bonzen und Bomben".

1945 the city centre is heavily hit by bombs. The English occupy the market place with a lorry. Earlier market life bloomed here, now the black market!

1960 house gaps were filled with concrete buildings. Whatever doesn't suit the modern townscape was pulled down inside the next 20 years. The traffic toils along the Europastraße 3 through the city centre. On the Großflecken a large car park is built. In March the old limes are cut down trunk by trunk.

1968 a pedestrian tunnel was inaugurated, which connects the eastside with the west side of the Großflecken. It was filled up again at the Großflecken-reconstruction!

1972 the inauguration of the Autobahn around Neumünster, brings traffic relief for the city centre.

1988 turned the first sod for the recreation of Großflecken, planned by the Hamburg Architekturbüro Rogalla.

1991 the inauguration of the new Großflecken takes place on the occasion of the Holstenköste.

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