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GP Covers - Jolle og bådpresenninger - Vinterpresenninger

Boat covers and transport protection

Our services

GP Covers manufactures Dinghy- and Boat Covers of very high quality and excellent fit. One of our specialties is breathable Fibertex covers that minimize the risk of condensation and mold material. Each canvas is specially adapted to your particular boat. With a GP Covers winter cover your boat is protected on the absolute best way.

Your advantages

  • High quality

  • Excellent fit

  • Long life

  • Individual solutions

  • Good service

  • Know how

  • Attractive prices

Short info

GP Covers have many years of experience and a comprehensive range of covers for winter storage of sailboats and motorboats and for the protection and transport of boats. We work with several leading yacht manufacturers and retailers in Europe, but we also sell directly to private.
Contact us for a free quote.

Visit Us

You will find us here:

Bakketoften 15a

DK - 8541 Skødstrup

phone: +45 (0) 45 7027 5999

Write to us

Get in touch

PRIVACY NOTICE With the above consent, you agree that we may use your information to respond to your inquiry or contact you. We will not use it for any other purpose or pass it on to third parties. You can revoke your consent at any time with effect for the future. In the event of revocation, your data will be deleted immediately. Otherwise, your data will be deleted when we have processed your request or the purpose of storage has ceased to apply. You can obtain information about the data stored about you at any time. Further information on this and on data protection can also be found in the privacy policy of this website.

Who we are

May we introduce ourselves?

  • Thomas Iermiin
    Thomas Iermiin
    info@gpcovers.dk phone: +45 (0) 70275999
    Here do you get good quality and service delivered with smile
GP Covers - Jolle og bådpresenninger - Vinterpresenninger
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