Industry Sectors

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Building Societies

This list displays all companies for the category Building Societies for the geographic area shown in your screen.Your company is not yet listed?

Fuchsberge 51
14913 - Jüterbog
Tel.:03372 405293
Fax: 03372 440671
Property Management Apartments Building Society Rental Cooperative Building Association
Rosa-Luxemburg-Straße 43a
15230 - Frankfurt (Oder)
Tel.:0335 5004213
Building Society
Hauptstraße 13
02991 - Laubusch
Tel.:035722 22970 | Fax: 035722 959034
Building Society
Käthe-Niederkirchner-Straße 30
02977 - Hoyerswerda
Tel.:03571 46730 | Fax: 03571 467399
Building Society
Dresdener Straße 90
02994 - Bernsdorf
Tel.:035723 2300 | Fax: 035723 23029
Building Society
Friedrich-Engels-Straße 39
02991 - Lauta
Tel.:035722 94008 | Fax: 035722 91178
Building Society
Scharzfelder Straße 73
37431 - Bad Lauterberg im Harz
Tel.:05524 4560 | Fax: 05524 999818
Building Society
Heinrich-Hildebrand-Straße 20 b
15232 - Frankfurt (Oder)
Tel.:0180 2 015232 | Fax: 0335 549984
Building Society
Schmiedeberger Straße 56
04849 - Bad Düben
Tel.:034243 23102 | Fax: 034243 23102
Building Society
Prof.-Krumbholz-Straße 10
02779 - Großschönau
Tel.:035841 3505-0 | Fax: 035841 3505-2
Building Society
Schachtstraße 20-22
99706 - Sondershausen
Tel.:03632 655280 | Fax: 03632 655285
Building Society
Bauvereinstraße 32a
95659 - Arzberg
Tel.:09233 1322 | Fax: 09233 5443
Building Society
Kirchstraße 43
02953 - Bad Muskau
Tel.:035771 69280 | Fax: 035771 64467
Building Society
Friedrich-Ebert-Ring 25
14712 - Rathenow
Tel.:03385 5348-0 | Fax: 03385 5348-11
Building Society
Waldring 113a
39340 - Haldensleben
Tel.:03904 66440
Building Society
Hugo-Wolf-Straße 8
68165 - Mannheim - Schwetzingerstadt/Oststadt
Tel.:0621 401226 | Fax: 0621 401226
Building Society
Reichenbachstraße 36
68309 - Mannheim - Käfertal/Vogelstang
Tel.:0621 72099-0
Building Society
Bahnhofstraße 26
02689 - Sohland an der Spree
Tel.:035936 39847 | Fax: 035936 39888
Building Society
Obergraben 1
01844 - Neustadt i. Sachsen
Tel.:03596 509230
Building Society
Sophienstraße 40
15230 - Frankfurt (Oder)
Tel.:0335 6830599 | Fax: 0335 6830302
Building Society
Friedrich-Engels-Straße 40
15745 - Wildau
Tel.:03375 5196-0 | Fax: 03375 5196-51
Building Society
Schulzenstraße 98
39249 - Barby
Tel.:039298 3491 | Fax: 039298 3901
Building Society
Peter-Paul-Straße 32
39106 - Magdeburg
Tel.:0391 56849-0 | Fax: 0391 56849-99
Building Society
Karl - Marx - Straße 39
39240 - Calbe
Tel.:039291 43712 | Fax: 039291 2540
Building Society
Bahnhofstraße 10
02681 - Wilthen
Tel.:03592 3862-0 | Fax: 03592 3862-24
Building Society
von-Stephan-Straße 4
01809 - Heidenau
Tel.:03529 512203 | Fax: 03529 5038149
Building Society

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A business directory of companies with phone number, attractions, events, offers, coupons, and more. Directly on the map.