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Hay Sales Company | Wholesale Trade Ropers

Hans-Hermann Ropers
Cuxhavener Straße 132
21765 - Nordleda
Tel.:04758 444
Fax: 04758 1228

Our company can guarantee 1a organic hay of the highest quality all year round. We are able to offer consistent top quality organic hay with a quality certificate, numbered DE-Öko-009. Since 1976 our farm has dealt in the sale of hay and straw on a large scale. Our customers include zoos, riding schools and farming operations and livestock breeders.

Fruit Wholesale Trade Agriculture Farming Produce Transports Animal Feed
Osterende 40 a
27478 - Cuxhaven
Tel.:04724 280
Carriage Rides
Cuxhavener Straße 41
21765 - Nordleda
Tel.:04758 722999
Computer Service
An der Wilster 1a
21763 - Neuenkirchen
Tel.:04751 9781969 | Fax: 04751 9781970
Holiday Home
Raiffeisen Straße 23
21762 - Otterndorf
Tel.:04751 2109 | Fax: 04751 2129
Building Contractor
Cuxhavener Landstraße 1
21762 - Otterndorf
Tel.:04751 9991491 | Fax: 04751 9991492
Plumbing and Heating service
Am Bahnhof 1
21762 - Otterndorf
Tel.:04751 9910788
Bremerhavener Straße 3
21765 - Nordleda
Tel.:04758 72238-0 | Fax: 04758 72238-5
Bank And Saving Bank
Cuxhavener Straße 32a-34
21762 - Otterndorf
Cuxhavener Landstraße 3c
21762 - Otterndorf
Tel.:04751 - 900160
Raiffeisenstraße 19
21762 - Otterndorf
Tel.:04751 9142-0 | Fax: 04751 9142-24
Metal Construction
Otterndorfer Straße 11
21765 - Nordleda
Tel.:04758 417 | Fax: 04758 1286
Wesermünder Straße 28
21762 - Otterndorf
Tel.:04751 3388 | Fax: 04751 3077
Jacobistraße 21
27478 - Cuxhaven - Lüdingworth
Tel.:04724 81330 | Fax: 04724 1626
Altenbrucher Landstr. 56
27478 - Cuxhaven - Altenbruch
Tel.:04751 5369
Holiday Home
Cuxhavener Landstraße 3c
21762 - Otterndorf
Tel.:04751 9900-0 | Fax: 04751 9900-50
Hardware Store
Raiffeisenstraße 22
21762 - Otterndorf
Tel.:04751 9145-0 | Fax: 04751 9145-45
Office Equipment
Dorfstraße 40
21763 - Neuenkirchen
Tel.:04751 2220
Jacobistraße 21
27478 - Cuxhaven - Lüdingworth
Tel.:04724 81330 | Fax: 04724 1626
Cuxhavener Straße 93a
27476 - Cuxhaven
Tel.:04721 46593
Holiday Flat
Gutenbergstraße 3
21762 - Otterndorf
Tel.:04751 900620 | Fax: 04751 900625
car parts
Cuxhavener Straße 21
21762 - Otterndorf
Tel.:04751 3535
Jacobistraße 7
27478 - Cuxhaven-Lüdingworth
Tel.:04724 8186778
Pet Supply
Jacobistraße 18
27478 - Cuxhaven
Tel.:04724 204444 | Fax: 04724 204443
Raiffeisenstraße 18
21762 - Otterndorf
Tel.:04751 2533
car trade
Cuxhavener Straße 36
21762 - Otterndorf
Tel.:04751 916-200 | Fax: 04751 916-205

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A business directory of companies with phone number, attractions, events, offers, coupons, and more. Directly on the map.